For schools and organizations that want to open a conversation about the value of play with their families, supporters and staff.
Understanding the Value of Play: Community Presentation
A 45 to 90 minute program scheduled in cooperation with schools, childcare centers and community organizations. Targeted toward family audiences and tailored to the specific objectives of the group. This program includes an overview of the history of play-based learning; what the current research says about play learning; the value of free play vs. directed play; and a brief overview of: 1) Risk/Benefit, 2) Loose parts and non-prescriptive materials, 3) Natural materials, 4) Nature based play. If desired, the CAPN team can facilitate an open conversation focused on opportunities to explore.
Free Play Chat: A mostly informal conversation during Free Play Days
A fifteen-minute presentation for parents and teachers scheduled during free play day events. Part of the value of hosting free play days is that it provides a great opportunity for your school community to better understand the free play movement and to share free play with your families. This short presentation will help people understand what children experience during free play that makes it a valuable part of learning.
For more information on costs and scheduling click here.