What is ECE-TRIS?
ECE-TRIS stands for Early Childcare Education – Training Resource Information System. Licensed early childcare professionals are required to record their professional development hours through this system.
Is there a cost for workshops?
In general, workshop costs are based on $10/credit hour/participant. Most of the CAPN workshops have been designed to provide two hours of ECE-TRIS credit at a cost of $20/person. In order to sustain the Network over time we charge a fair rate for training programs.
Can individuals schedule workshops, or just organizations such as schools?
Typically organizations schedule workshops. But if you are an individual please contact us to let us know about your interest and we will let you know about upcoming training options.
Can you offer reduced rates?
Possibly. We charge a minimum fee of $500 for off-site training programs. Programs more than one-hours drive from Bernheim may have a higher minimum. If the total per person fee exceeds $500 and your organization serves low- to middle-income (LMI) families we would be glad to discuss a fee reduction.
What if we don’t serve a high percentage of LMI families but we still can’t afford CAPN workshops?
As a non-profit we understand that kind of challenge. We invite you to contact us and perhaps we can work out arrangements that will work for everyone.
Is there a minimum fee?
CAPN workshops offered away from Bernheim typically carry a $500 minimum fee. For most two-hour workshops, that converts to 25 people at full cost of $20/person. Training programs more than an hours drive from Bernheim may have a higher minimum fee. We would be glad to provide you with a quote if you let us know you’re interested. Schools with fewer than 25 people sometimes coordinate with other schools to offer training programs that may be eligible for a discount. (See above about reduced rates.)
Do CAPN training programs provide participants with professional development credit?
Most CAPN training programs have been pre-approved for Early Childhood Educators in Kentucky through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Childcare, ECE-TRIS system.
What is the minimum and maximum number of participants for a workshop?
We prefer workshops that reach a minimum of 25 participants and a maximum of 60 participants. However, we will be glad to discuss options with you if the number of participants is fewer or greater.
Can organizations join together to offer a training program?
Certainly. We will be glad to divide the costs between organizations.
What if we want to offer more than one training in a day?
We sometimes can offer two two-hour training programs in one day or combine workshops for other amounts of time. Let us know what your needs are and we can work with you to create a schedule for combined workshops.
What if we need three hours of credit? Do you have three-hour workshops?
We sometimes can work with you to blend two two-hour workshops into a single three-hour workshop. Training topics and learning objectives provided for each workshop would be adjusted.
How do we know which workshop would be best for our organization?
If play-based learning is new to your organization we recommend starting with Play Strategies One – The Value of Play and the Play Spectrum. This program was designed as a starting point. If you feel your organization is ready for more specific information about play contact Claude Stephens at 502-215-7121 or cstephens@bernheim.org and we can help you choose.
How do Play Strategy workshops differ from Play Planning workshops?
Play Strategy workshops (PS1-5) focus on topics and strategies that are generally applicable in any outdoor learning environment. Play Planning workshops (PP1-4) are for organizations contemplating or in the process of designing new outdoor play spaces or significant reworks of existing outdoor play spaces. Play Planning workshops are attached to actual projects and we work with you to outline the specifics of these workshops in advance depending on the specifics of your project.
We have already started the planning process for a new outdoor play environment. Would Play Planning workshops still benefit us?
Probably. Contact Claude Stephens at 502-215-7121 or cstephens@bernheim.org and we will discuss based on the specifics.
We have already finished the planning process for a new outdoor play environment. Would Play Planning workshops still benefit us?
Probably. In some ways the best time to begin planning the next project is immediately upon completion of the last project. Getting ahead of planning is one focus of these workshops.
Who can I speak with to learn more?
For more information contact Claude Stephens – 502-215-7121 or cstephens@bernheim.org.
What if we don’t know how many LMI families our program serves?
There may be other ways of determining the demographics of the audience you serve – for example if you offer fee reductions or scholarships for your program. We will be glad to work with you to see whether or not the Network can subsidize your workshop fees.