The National Children & Youth Garden Symposium, an annual professional development event for educators working in garden- and nature-based spaces, will be held virtually this year July 7-9.
For nearly three decades, the American Horticultural Society’s National Children & Youth Garden Symposium (NCYGS) has been cultivating tomorrow’s gardeners by energizing, inspiring, and training today’s garden educators.
The 29th annual professional development conference will again take place as a virtual event instead of an in-person convening. The professional development content will be offered as a collection of live and pre-recorded webinars with nearly forty peer-led lectures and workshops viewable on demand.
The theme of the 2021 NCYGS is youth empowerment and, through the live general sessions, July 7-9, speakers will give educators both the inspiration and the tools they need to discover and nurture the passion within a child and create the space and support for a child to pursue that passion.
For more information and to register, visit: