Kentucky Country Day School opened their new nature play area on Tuesday, September 26th. They are the very first CAPN Network Project of Excellence. This award is open to all CAPN members that complete ten requirements associated with their outdoor play aspirations. Those requirements include various strategies that range from design to philosophy around play to training and communication. It acknowledges that far more goes into supporting play than merely building a play area – although that is certainly a big part of it. The CAPN first engaged with the Kentucky Country Day School team back in February of 2021. We were engaged with family communications, staff training, early conversations about what might be possible with their playground ideas, participatory design exercises with the children, conceptual design, and regular support over the years. All that paid off beautifully today as they opened their new Gernert Grove natural play area. We are so proud of the entire KCD team that made this day happen. Many people played pivotal roles in opening this new natural play area but a special congratulations to Mary Charles Collett, Director of Lower School, and Amy Torok Mendel, Assistant Head of School.
As a celebration of this event the school planned an opening ceremony that included an hour of play. Enjoy these photographs of the many children enjoying their first free reign in the new natural play area.