Two days of ColorFest brought 12,000 people to Bernheim on Oct. 19/20, 2019 and MANY children and families to the Free Play Zone on a weather-perfect weekend!
“Come here, I found it! said one little girl. “The FREE PLAY!”
Yes, she did.
The 3-acre area across from the Visitor Center became the site for all of our regular free play materials – boxes, tarps, clips, ropes, toilet plungers, sponges, gloves – and 3 gaylords full of wooden blocks, a tree swing and a new supply of felled trees and logs.
Families with Play Cousins Collective, our play partner in Louisville, visited on Saturday and PCC’s play facilitators joined the CAPN team for play both days.
We’re grateful to all who came out to enjoy the day and support more outdoor free play for children!