Draft Plans are Coming Together for a New Nature Play Environment in Castlewood Park in Lexington, Kentucky.
The hard work of designing new play environments that don’t look like what we have come to expect from playgrounds is both challenging and important. It’s often more about good communication and compromise than it is about simply figuring out what is possible to design and build. So many different points of view need to be considered and reconsidered and balanced against well established ways of doing things. There are so many ways to look at things. The most important things to keep in mind are the reasons behind this work in the first place:
- Support healthy child development
- Create rich experiences in nature
- Foster future environmental stewards
- Build vibrant communities
- Provide equitable access to nature
We invite you to follow along with the progress of the Plant and Play project at Castlewood Park in Lexington. This unique partnership between the North Limestone Community Development Corporation, Lexington Parks and Recreation Department, Gresham, Smith and Partners landscape design team, and many passionate community stakeholders is exploring how people can come together to foster positive change.
The CAPN is excited to be a part of this project. You can see the entire DRAFT design package HERE. (And please click on the category links below to see other blogs about regional playground design projects.)
Here are two photos of the Plant and Play community team in action: