Bernheim’s Children at Play Network (CAPN) will host a Free Play Day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 22 at Bridge Kids International’s Well Living Fest at the Ben Washer Park in Louisville, KY. The event promotes “well living” practices and tips for fitness, eating, and a healthy environment.
Play is important for children’s wellbeing and is vital to their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. Free play in nature enhances creativity, problem solving, and builds resiliency.
We are excited to partner with Bridge Kids International – a non-profit organization that helps youth in Africa and the African Diaspora through education, health, entrepreneurship and the environment. The organization is establishing Well Place, a green building at the park, to promote well living and sustainability in the local community.
The Children at Play Network is a regional effort that facilitates the creation of amazing outdoor play environments that connect children to nature for life. Through free play days, training, playground design support and nature-based education models, CAPN supports Bernheim’s mission to connect people with nature. Through play, we will create the next generation of environmental stewards.