Are you interested in becoming a volunteer with the Children at Play Network? Take a look at the job descriptions below.
Bernheim Children’s Play Garden – Ambassador
As Bernheim takes a leadership role in the regional work of redefining outdoor play environments the Bernheim Children’s Play Garden will become more and more valuable as a proving ground for outdoor play. Through the CAPN program (
Time commitment:
Minimum two-hour blocks in one day. Can be scheduled for both weekdays and weekends.
Advance scheduling can take place through the CAPN Coordinator:
Melissa Rue –
Outdoor. Active.
Overview of volunteer activities:
- General CPG oversight including providing information to visitors about the CAPN and play
- Safety checklist
- Maintain high public appearance standards
- Cleanout and maintenance of the CPG “play box”
- Loose parts patrol – maintain control over tree cookies and other loose parts
- Mulch and landscapes maintenance
- Observation and documentation of use
- Promote CAPN and upcoming CAPN activities
Bernheim Children at Play Network – Volunteer Play Facilitator
Activities of the CAPN include free play days both on-site and off-site as well as periodic on-site events for teachers, parents and others. Volunteer Play Facilitators are trained by shadowing our staff of Play Facilitators during planned free play days.
Time Commitment:
Scheduled in advance on an as-needed basis in conjunction with scheduled free play days. Both on and off site opportunities exist. Time commitments are determined by the specific event but in most cases a minimum two-hour time block will be scheduled.
Advance scheduling can take place through the CAPN Coordinator:
Melissa Rue –
Outdoor. Active.
Overview of volunteer activities:
- Advance training by shadowing free play facilitators during scheduled free play events
- Assistance with setting up before free play days and cleaning up after them
- Photo and written documentation according to guidelines
- Assistance providing information to adults during free play days
- Assisting free play facilitators during events
- Preparation of loose parts materials in advance of events
- Assistance with loading and transporting loose parts to off-site events
- Assistance with research pertinent to the CAPN (can be done from home)
- Assistance with events, training institutes, and other on-site programming